What is the best way to time the move?

Tips and tricks
2 minute read

When we move the most

Martin Kapal, sales representative of STĚHOVÁNÍ Praha, spol. s r.o., assured us that the months of the year do not play such a role as we might think. People move all year round - but generally most of all during the periods when various deadlines - most often lease contracts - expire. So in my experience, people move most on Fridays, the last week of the month and the last two months of the year - November and December.

Busy months of the year

Apart from the aforementioned November and December, there is also a lot of moving between mid-August and the end of September. These moves mainly concern university students who move to university towns to study. They only occasionally hire movers to do this. Czechs often move for work as well, and families with children often leave the move to the July-August period, when the child finishes school in one place and starts a new one in September.

Busiest days of the month

Roughly the last week to ten days of the month, and then the holidays, during which we often try to deal with the rest that we can't otherwise manage - for example, in the form of moving.

Most popular days of the week

Czechs are most interested in moving on Friday - they take Friday off and have time to settle in their new place by Monday. Good movers will accommodate their clients and work on weekends at the same rates - so the weekend is also in high demand (especially Saturday).

So when is the best time to move?

If we have a choice, it is definitely best to avoid the periods when there is the most interest in moving. Moving companies even offer discounts for the less busy periods - these occur from January to February and usually the first ten days of each month for the rest of the year.

If you can choose, for example, the date of moving into a new apartment, try these free dates - to ensure the highest possible quality of service and also because of the better price.